High Performance Products
Shop MedicalMedical is an ever evolving and growing field for both concealed carry and uniformed professionals. Carry securely (and in style) with Vyper Kydex TQ pouches.
Shop HolstersSecure, dependable holsters for every walk of life. Regardless of your application, Vyper Kydex has a solution to help you elevate your experience.
Mag Carriers
Shop Mag CarriersReloads in any concealed carry, Law Enforcement, or Military application are critical. Vyper helps you move faster, more efficiently.

This, we'll defend.
Vyper Kydex signed an oath, to the South Carolina and United States Constitutions. It doesn’t have an expiration date on it.
This company will always support and defend the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This company will do what it can with what resources we have to see that it is not infringed upon. The people are the Militia.
We, will not comply.
All About Quality
Why Vyper?
Generating high-quality, precision-engineered products is more than just a task: it's a passion.
Try Vyper today & find out what you've been missing in your EDC. -
Customer Driven.
Existing within the outdoor, shooting, and tactical communities over my entire life has led Vyper Kydex to a unique place in the industry. We want to be more than just a holster maker. We want to start a revolution in product diversity. Your input matters.
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